Ready for a fresh start?

Learn how to clear and activate the 3 Feng Shui power spots to support fresh starts and new beginnings

Feng Shui Fresh Start™

Make space at home with simple Feng Shui for welcoming in the new.

For the room to grow and evolve, the space to shift and transform.

For a bit of breathing room and open space, a clean slate for your next chapter.

Start today for $36

Feng Shui Fresh Start™  

make space at home for your new beginning

Are you on the threshold of a new life chapter, excited to move forward into the unknown, but a little apprehensive too?

Maybe you know something's missingbut you're overwhelmed by all the options, feeling called to begin again with no idea where to start?

Or has your life become stagnant and restrictive, like a dress that's shrunk 3 sizes too small--you feel ready to burst out of your old life, but can't find the metaphorical zipper?

Get ready to exhale!

I help my clients get unstuck at home every single day, clearing and activating the areas most beneficial for new beginnings. 

Using the art, science, and wisdom of Feng Shui to create space for the new life they know is meant for them.

Imagine your home uplifted, with an energy upgrade to support and nourish your fresh start and next chapter.

Feng Shui Fresh Start™ supports new beginnings:
  • new work or evolving roles
  • changes in relationship status
  • shifts in families
  • business launches and new ventures
  • beginning new health and wellness practices 
  • major milestones and turning points
  • New Years, new moons, and new seasons

Hey there, I'm Jen!

Creator of Feng Shui Fresh Start™ and the Blessings of the Bagua Feng Shui affirmation cards™.

I'm a certified Feng Shui consultant who's studied and practiced Feng Shui for over 25 years, helping everyday people create heart-aligned homes for belonging and becoming.

I created Feng Shui Fresh Start™ to support you in meeting the moments of uncertainty and change with a step-by-step action plan for clearing and activating the 3 Feng Shui power spots--the areas associated with opportunities, abundance, and dreaming big.  

If you're like many of my clients you probably have some of the same self-defeating beliefs about making space at home, like:


Our space is a mirror, reflecting our own energy back to us.  Use the Feng Shui Fresh Start™ Transformation Workbook to clarify and get your mindset clear.


"I don't have the TIME to create space"

In reality, inertia and indecision drain our time and energy.  That's why I'm sharing the Energy Enhancers Cheatsheet™ to give you the energy to move into action.


"I have to declutter EVERYTHING"

Truth is there are just 3 high priority areas to begin getting unstuck at home.  The Clean Slate Checklists™ give you the play-by-play, saving you time and effort.


Feng Shui Fresh Start™ is a quick-win workshop designed to help you create a shift at home fast with a step-by-step action plan for clearing and activating the 3 Feng Shui power spots



I want a fresh start!

Here's what you'll receive:

  • your fillable pdf copy of the Feng Shui Fresh Start™ Transformation Workbook, the Feng Shui clarity guide to seasons of transition and change with 20+ pages of home assessments and prompts
  • the self-paced Feng Shui Fresh Start™ video tutorials and listen-on-the-go audio files with the Feng Shui Fresh Start™ system for moving stuck energy fast
  • easy-use Clean Slate Checklists™ for the 3 Feng Shui power spots that are a top priority during new beginnings: activating the areas associated with opportunities, abundance and dreaming big
  • the Energy Enhancers Cheatsheet™ with Feng Shui energy shortcuts to quickly rev your engine and give yourself and your space an energy boost
  • lifetime access to all the content, because big change is not a one-time event
Start today

Frequently Asked Questions 

How long does the Feng Shui Fresh Start™ action plan take?  You could complete it in one big daylong push, set aside a weekend for clearing, or do a little bit each day for 5 days.

How soon can I start?  You'll have immediate access after completing your purchase.  You can begin right now!

How do I access the materials?  After purchase you'll be taken directly to a login page to create your username and password.

Do you offer refunds?  Due to the digital nature of this product, there are no refunds after purchase. 

Praise for Jen

"I am so grateful to Jen for offering accessible and approachable tools.  I could take this course over and over again, and still learn something new!"

-Jen ST.



"Enlightening, informative and fun.  If I had a question she was right there with an answer; with joy, intuition and encouragement.  My home secretly speaks to me in new lovely ways".

-Gina S.


"Let Jen and her super powers come to your rescue!   She has an amazing way of making you feel good, regardless of the state of your space".

-Carol K.



Real Talk:

Change can be hard and transformation is sometimes messy.
(did you know that caterpillars basically liquefy in their cocoons before growing their wings?)

It can be tough to watch everything we know turn into soup.

Even for the changes we WANT to make: more success, abundance, love, better health, more inner peace.

The messy middle between the identity and life we knew, and where we're going next can leave us feeling unsettled and overwhelmed.

Feng Shui creates congruence between your environment and your becoming.

Aligning our homes, releasing the old energy, and making space for the new.  We're building a chrysalis for that next chapter.  

We create the container for the process of liquidating the old and growing the new.  The nest for growing new wings.

Fun Fact: caterpillars are born with everything they need to morph into butterflies.  

You are too.


Grab Feng Shui Fresh Start™ now